academy n
[L acadmeia, fr. Gk Akademeia, a park and gymnasium located near Athens where Plato taught, fr. Akademos a man who helped Castor and Pollux find their sister Helen when she was first kidnapped] 1 a : a school usu. above the elementary level b : a high school or college in which special skills or subjects are taught c : higher education 2 : a society of learned persons organized to advance art, science, or literature 3 : a body of established opinion widely accepted as authority in a particular field
Achaean adj
[fr. L Achae(us) Achaeus, the eponymous founder of Achaea, a district in Greece] 1 : Greek n 2 : a Greek
Achates n
[L Achates, the companion and friend of Aeneid] : a faithful friend or companion
Acheron n
[Gk Acheron, a river in Hades over which Charon ferried the souls of the dead]: the infernal regions: Hell
Achilles' heel n
[fr. L, fr. Gk Achilleus Achilles, the greatest Greek warrior at Troy, slayer of Hector] : a vulnerable point
Achilles tendon n
the strong tendon joining the muscles in the calf of the leg to the bone of the heel
Adonic adj
[fr. ML Adonic(us), fr. Gk Adonis, a favorite man of Aphrodite, slain by a wild boar but permitted by Zeus to pass four months of every year in the lower world with Persephone, four with Aphrodite, and four wherever he chose] 1 : noting a verse consisting of a dactyl followed by a spondee or a trochee 2 : of or like Adonis
adonis n
a very handsome young man
Adrastea n
[L, a daughter of Melisseus entrusted by Rhea with the rearing if the infant Zeus] : a satellite of Jupiter
Aegean Sea n
[fr. L Aegae(us) Aegeus, a king of Athens and father of Theseus, he threw himself into this body of water in grief at the death of his son] : an arm of the Mediterranean Sea between Greece and Turkey
aegis n
[L, fr. Gk aigis goatskin, shield of Zeus, perh. fr. aig-, aix goat] 1 : a shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty 2 a : protection b : controlling or conditioning influence 3 a : auspices b : control or guidance by an individual, group, or system
aeolian adj
[L, fr. Gk Aiolos Aeolus, the ruler of the winds and eponymous founder of Aeolis] : giving forth or marked by a moaning or sighing sound or musical note produced by or as if by the wind
aeolian harp n
a box-shaped musical instrument having stretched strings on which the wind produces varying harmonics
Aeolian mode n
an authentic church mode represented on the white keys of a keyboard instrument by an ascending scale of A to A
Aeolis n
an ancient coastal region and Greek colony on Asia Minor
aesculapian adj
[Aesculapius, Greco-Roman god of medicine, fr. L, fr. Gk Asklepios] : of or relating to the healing art
agave n
[NL Agave, genus name, fr. L, a daughter of Cadmus, fr. Gk Agaue] : any of a genus (Agave of the Agavaraceae, the agave family) of plants having spiny-margined leaves and flowers in tall spreading panicles and including some cultivated for their fiber or sap or for ornament
Ajax trademark
[Gk, a hero in the Trojan War who rescued the body of Achilles] : used for a brand of cleaner
alcyonarian n
[ultim. fr. Gk alkyoneian, a zoophyte, fr. neut. of alkyoneios of a kingfisher, fr. alkyon kingfisher; fr. legend of Alcyone in which she is transformed into a kingfisher after throwing herself into the sea after her dead husband] : any of a subclass (Alcyonaria) of colonial anthozoans having polyps with eight branched tentacles and eight septa
Alcyone n
[L, fr. Gk Alkyone] : the brightest star in the Pleiades
Amalthea n
[L, a nymph who brought up the infant Zeus on the milk of a goat; in some versions she is a goat rather than a nymph] : a satellite of Jupiter
amazon n
[ME, fr. L, Fr. Gk Amazon] : a tall, strong, often masculine woman
ambrosia n
[L, fr. Gk, lit. immortality, fr. ambrotos immortal] 1 a : the food of the Greek and Roman gods b : the ointment or perfume of the gods 2 : something extremely pleasing to taste or smell 3 : ragweed
ambrosial n
1 : of or fit for the gods; divine 2 : like ambrosia; delicious; fragrant
ambrosia beetle n
any of various small wood-boring beetles (family Scolytidae) that cultivate a fungus on which they feed and raise their larvae
amethyst n
[fr. L amethystus, fr. Gk amethystos not drunk, not intoxicating, sometimes fr. a story told by Aristotle that Amethyst was a beautiful nymph changed into a gemstone to save her from Dionysus, who then gave the stone its purple to preserve the wearer from the effects of wine] : a clear purple or bluish violet variety of crystallized quartz
andromeda n
[NL Andromeda, fr. Gk Andromede, wife of Perseus, genus name, fr. L] : any of several evergreen shrubs (genera Pieris and Andromeda) of the heath family
Andromeda n
a northern constellation between Perseus and Pegasus
antaean adj
[Antaeus, a giant overcome by Hercules] 1 : mammoth 2 : having superhuman strength
aphrodisiac n
[Gk aphrodisiakos sexual, fr. aphrodisia, pl. sexual pleasures, fr. neut. pl. of aphrodisios of Aphrodite, fr. Aphrodite Greek goddess of love] 1 : an agent that arouses or is held to arouse sexual desire 2 : something that excites
apollonian adj
[L Apollo, fr. Gk Apollon Apollo, god of sunlight, prophecy, music, and poetry] : harmonious, measured, ordered, or balanced in character
April n
[ME April, Averil, Aperil, fr. L Aprilis, perh. fr. Gk Aphro, short for Aphrodite] 1 : the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar 2 : a girl's given name
arachnid n
[NL Arachnida, fr. Gk arachne spider, assoc. with the myth of Arachne, a Greek maiden who was turned into a spider after pridefully defeating Athena in a weaving contest] : any of a class (Arachnida) of arthropods comprising chiefly invertebrates, including spiders, scorpions, mites, etc.
Arcturus n
[L, fr. Gk Arktouros, lit., bear watcher, fr. Arcas, son of Callisto who is turned into a bear like his mother to prevent him from killing her] : a giant fixed star of the first magnitude in Bootes p
areocentric adj
[Gk Areios of Ares, fr. Ares] : having or relating to the planet Mars as a center
arethusa n
[L, fr. Gk Arethousa, a wood nymph who is changed into a spring to save her from the advances of the river god Alpheus] : any of several plants of the genus Arethusa, esp. A. bulbosa of No. America, a small bog orchid having a pink or white flower
Argo n
[Gk, the ship in which Jason and the Argonauts sailed in quest of the Golden Fleece] : a large southern constellation, now divided into four separate constellations
1 argonaut n
[L Argonautes, fr. Gk Argonautes, fr. Argo, ship in which the Argonauts sailed + nautes sailor] : an adventurer engaged in a quest
2 Argonaut trademark
a computer software company
argus n
[L, fr. Gk Argos, a hundred-eyed monster of Greek mythology] : a watchful guardian
Argus-eyed adj
vigilantly observant
Aries n
a northern constellation between Pisces and Taurus; the Ram
artemisia n
[fr. L, fr. Gk, equiv. to Artemis the sister of Apollo, the virgin huntress associated with the moon] : any of several plants of the genus Artemisia
asclepiad n
[ultim. fr. Gk asklepiad, swallowwort, fr. Asklepios, Greek god of medicine] : milkweed
asclepiadaceous adj
belonging to the Asclepiadaceae, or milkweed family of plants
athenaeum n
[L Athenaeum, a school in ancient Rome for the study of arts, fr. Gk Athenaion, a temple of Athena, fr. Athene Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, fertility, the useful arts, and prudent warfare] 1 : a building or room in which books, periodicals, and newspapers are kept for use 2 : a literary or scientific association
Athens n
[fr. Athene, for she was much worshipped here] : the modern-day capital of Greece
atlantean adj
[L Atlant-, Atlas, fr. Gk, after the strongest god, Atlas, who was punished for his part in the revolt against the Olympians by being forced to hold the world on his shoulders for eternity] : strong
1 atlas n
1 : one who bears a heavy burden 2 : a bound collection of maps 3 : the first vertebra of the neck 4 : a male figure used like a caryatid as a supporting column
2 Atlas n
the innermost moon of Saturn
atropine n
[G Atropin, fr. NL Atropa, genus name of belladonna, fr. Gk Atropos, one of the three Fates] : a mixture obtained from any of various solanaceous plants (such as belladonna) and used esp. for its antocholinergic effects (as pupil dilation or inhibition of smooth muscle spasms)
augean adj
[L Augeas, king of Elis, fr. Gk Augeias; fr. the legend that his stable, left neglected for thirty years, was finally cleaned by Hercules] : extremely formidable or difficult and occas. distasteful
Augean stable n
a condition or place marked by great accumulation of filth or corruption
1 aurora n
[L, dawn or the Roman goddess of dawn] 1 : dawn 2 : a luminous phenomenon that consists of streamers of light appearing in the upper atmosphere of earth 3 : the rise or dawn of something
2 Aurora trademark
a make of automobile
aurora australis n
an aurora that occurs in the southern hemisphere
aurora borealis n
an aurora that occurs in the northern hemisphere
austral adj
[fr. L australis southern, equiv. to Auster Auster, the personification of the south wind] : southern
Australia n
a continent SE of Asia between the Indian and Pacific oceans
bacchanal n
[L, fr. Bacchus, god of wine] : orgy
boreal adj
[ME boriall, fr. LL borealis, fr. L boreas north wind, north, fr. GK Boreas, the Greek god of the north wind] : of, related to, or found in the northern regions, i.e. boreal waters
cadmium n
[NL, fr. L cadmia zinc oxide, fr. fem. of Gk kadmeios Theban, fr. Kadmos Cadmus, the legendary founder of Thebes] : a bluish-white malleable toxic element
calliope n
[L, fr. Gk Kalliope Calliope, the Greek Muse of epic poetry] : a keyboard musical instrument resembling an organ and consisting of a series of whistles sounded by steam or compressed air
Callisto n
[a nymph attendant of Artemis, punished for a love affair with Zeus by being changed into a bear and slain by Artemis] : one of the moons of Jupiter
Calypso n
[L, a nymph who detained Odysseus on Ogygia for seven years] 1 : a satellite of Saturn 2 : a terrestrial orchid of the genus Calypso (Cytherea), of the Northern Hemisphere having a single, variegated, purple, yellow, and white flower
capitol n
[L Capitolium, temple of Jupiter at Rome on the Capitoline hill] : a building in which a state legislative body meets
Carme n
[fr. Gk, the mother, by Zeus, of Britomartis] : a satellite of Jupiter
caryatid n
[L caryatides, fr. Gk karyatides priestesses of Artemis at Caryae] : a draped female figure supporting an entablature
caryopsis n
[cary + -opsis, fr. Caryatis Caryatis, an epithet of Artemis meaning "of the walnut tree"] : a small, one-celled fruit with the pericarp adherent to the seed, as in wheat
Cassandra n
[L, fr. Gk Kassandra, a daughter of Priam endowed with the gift of prophecy but fated never to be believed] 1 : one that predicts misfortune or disaster 2 : a girl's given name
Cassiope n
[NL, L, fr. Gk Kassiope Cassiopeia] : any evergreen, ericaceous shrub of a genus (Cassiopeia), having white or pinkish flowers and scale-like or needlelike leaves
Cassiopeia n
[L, fr. Gk Kassiopeia, the wife of Cepheus and mother of Andromeda] : a northern constellation between Cepheus and Perseus
Cassiopeia's Chair n
the most conspicuous group of stars in the constellation of Cassiopeia, resembling the outline of a chair
cecropia moth n
[NL cecropia, fr. L Cecropius Athenian, fr. Gk Kekrops, legendary king of Athens] : a large North American saturniid moth (Hyalophora cecropia) that is brown with red, white, and black markings
centaurea n
[NL, genus name, fr. ML] : any of a large genus (Centaurea) of composite herbs including several cultivated for their showy heads of tubular florets
centaury n
[ultim. fr. Gk Kentauros] : any of a genus (Centarium) of low herbs of the genitian family whose medical qualities are fabled to have been discovered by Chiron the centaur
Cepheid n
[ISV, fr. Cepheus, Princess Andromeda's father] : any of a class of pulsating stars whose very regular light variations are related directly to their intrinsic luminosities and whose apparent luminosities are used to estimate distances in astronomy
cereal n
[F or L; F cereale, fr. L ceralis of Ceres, of grain, fr. Ceres, goddess of agriculture] : a prepared foodstuff of grain
cerium n
[NL, fr. Ceres] : a malleable ductile metallic element that is the most abundant of the rare-earth group
Charon n
[Gk, the ferryman who conveyed the souls of the dead across the river Styx in classical mythology] 1 : satellite of the planet Pluto 2 : (ironic) any ferryman
Charybdis n
[L, fr. Gk] : a whirlpool off the coast of Sicily personified in Greek mythology as a female monster -- compare Scylla
Cimmerian adj
[L Cimmerii, a mythical people described by Homer as dwelling in a realm of mist and gloom, fr. Gk Kimmerioi] : very dark and gloomy
Clio n
[Gk Clio, Greek Muse of history] : a girl's given name
cliometrics n
the application of methods developed by other fields to the study of history
concupiscence n
[ME, fr. MF, fr. LL concupiscentia, fr. L concupiscere to desire ardently; assoc. with Cupid, the Roman god of love] : strong sexual desire
cupid n
[L Cupido, the Roman god of erotic love] : a figure that represents Cupid as a naked usu. winged boy often holding a bow and arrow
cupidity n
[ME cupidite, fr. MF cupidite, fr. L cupiditat-, cupiditas] 1 : inordinate desire for wealth : avarice, greed 2 : strong desire : lust
Cupid's bow n
a bow that consists of two convex curves usu. with recurved ends
cyclopean adj
[L, fr. Gk Kyklops, a race of giants with one eye in the middle of their foreheads, fr. kykl- cycl- + ops eye] 1 : huge, massive 2 : of or relating to a style of stone construction marked typically by the use of large irregular blocks without mortar
Cyclops n
[NL, genus name, fr. L, fr. Gk Kyklops, any of a race of giants in Greek mythology with a single eye in the middle of the forehead] : any of a genus (Cyclops) of freshwater predatory copepods having a median eye
cygnet n
[ME sygnett, fr. MF cygne swan, fr. L cycnus, cygnus, fr. Cygnus, a mythological king who was turned into a swan] : a young swan
Cygnus n
a N constellation in the Milky Way near Lyra; also called the Northern Cross, the Swan
Cynthia n
[L, Cynthius, epithet of Artemis, fr. fem. of Cynthius of Cynthus, fr. Cynthus, mountain on Delos where Artemis was born, fr. Gk Kynthos] 1 : moon 2 : a girl's given name
cyprian n
[L cyprius of Cyprus, fr. Gk kyprios, fr. Kypros Cyprus, birthplace of Aphrodite] : prostitute
cypripedium n
[NL, genus name, fr. LL Cypris, a name for Venus + Gk pedilon sandal] 1 : any of a genus (Cypripedium) of Eurasian and No. American terrestrial orchids having large usu. showy drooping flowers with the lip inflated or pouched 2 : any of a genus Paphiopedaelum) of widely cultivated orchids
Cytherean adj
[L, fr. Gk Kythereia, fr. Kythera Cythera, island associated with Aphrodite] : of or relating to the planet Venus
daedal adj
[L daedalus, fr. Gk Daidalos, legendary builder of Cretan labyrinth who makes wings to enable himself and his son Icarus to escape from imprisonment] 1 a : skillful, artistic b : intricate 2 : adorned with many things
Daphne n
[NL, genus name, fr. L laurel, fr. Gk Daphne, a nymph who is transformed into a laurel tree to escape the pursuing Apollo] 1 : any of a genus (Daphne) of Eurasian shrubs of the mezereon family with apetaelous flowers whose colored calyx resembles a corolla 2 : a girl's given name
Dardanelles n
[fr. L Dardanus, ancestor of the Trojans, according to mythology] : a strait between Europe and Asian Turkey that connects the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marma
Deimos n
[fr. Gk Deimos, son of Ares and brother of Phobus] : one of two satellites of Mars
delphic adj
[fr. Delphi, the site of the oracle of Apollo] : ambiguous, obscure
Delphic utterance n
a comment or response to a question that is ambiguous and therefore difficult to understand
Diana n
[L, the Roman goddess of the moon and hunting, the protectress of women; assoc. with the Greek goddess Artemis] : a girl's given name
Dione n
[Gk, a Titanesse and consort of Zeus, sometimes believed to be mother of Aphrodite; later replaced as consort by Hera] : one of the satellites of Saturn
Dionysian adj
[L dionysiacus, fr. Gk dionysiakos, fr. Dionysos, Greek god of wine] : being of a frenzied or orgiastic character
1east n
[ME est, fr. OE east, L aurora dawn, Gk eos, heos; personified by Eos, the Greek goddess of dawn] : a cardinal point of the compass
2east adj
directed or proceeding toward the east
3east adv
to, toward, or in the east
echidna n
[NL, fr. L, viper, fr. Gk Echidna, half-woman and half-snake monster who ate men raw] : an oviparous spiny-coated toothless burrowing nocturnal mammal of Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania that has a long extensile tongue and long heavy claws
echo n
[ultim. fr. Gk Echo, a nymph who pines away for love of Narcissus until nothing is left of her but her voice] 1 : the repetition of a sound caused by reflection of sound waves 2 : one who closely imitates or repeats another's words, ideas, or acts
Egeria n
[L Egeria, a nymph who advised the legendary Roman king Numa Pompilius] : a woman adviser or companion
Elara n
[L, the mother of Tityus in classical mythology] : a satellite of Jupiter
Electra complex n
[L, fr. Gk Elektra, a sister of Orestes who aids him in killing their mother Clytemnestra] : the positive libidinal feelings of a daughter to her father and hostile or jealous feelings toward her mother that may be the source of adult personality disorder when unresolved
Elissa n
[fr. Phoenician name, fr. Gk Dido, a mythological queen of Carthage who killed herself when abandoned by Aeneas] : a girl's given name
elysian adj
[L, fr. Gk Elysion, the abode of the blessed after death in classical mythology] : blissful, delightful
Elysium n
[fr. Gk Elysion] : paradise
Enceladus n
[L Enceladus, a giant thought to lie buried under Mount Etna after warring with the gods and being struck down with a great stone flung at him by Athena] : a satellite of Saturn
Epimetheus n
[L, a son of Iapetus and brother of Prometheus and Atlas; the husband of Pandora and father of Pyrrha] : a satellite of Saturn
eolian adj
[L Aeolus, god of the wind] : borne, deposited, produced, or eroded by the wind
Eros n
[Gk. Eros, fr. eros sexual love] 1 : the sum of life-preserving instincts that are manifested as impulses to gratify basic needs and to preserve the body and mind 2 : erotic love or desire
erotic adj
[Gk erotikos, fr. eros sexual love, personified by Eros] 1 : tending to arouse sexual desire 2 : strongly marked by sexual desire
erogenous adj
1 : producing sexual excitement or libidinal gratification when stimulated, sexually sensitive 2 : of, relating to, or arousing sexual feelings
Etheria n
[L Aetheri(a) Aetheria, a daughter of Helios and Clymene who, with her sisters, was one of the Heliades] : a genus of fresh-water, bivalve mollusks, the shell of which has a pearly, bright green interior
Europa n
[L, a sister of Cadmus who was abducted by Zeus in the form of a bull and taken to Crete, where she bore him Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Sarpedon] : one of the moons of Jupiter
Euterpean adj
[L, fr. Gk Euterpe, Greek Muse of music] : pleasing
fauna n
[NL, fr. L Fauna, sister of Faunus, the Roman god of animals] : animal life
faunistic adj
of or relating to zoography
flamen n
[ME flamin, fr. L Flamen, the special priests of the true Roman gods] : a priest, esp. in ancient Rome
flora n
[NL, fr. L Flora, Roman goddess of flowers, fr. L flor-, flos] : plant or bacterial life
Friday n
[ME, fr. OE frigedaeg, fr. (assumed) Frig Frigga + daeg day, prehistoric trans. of L dies Veneris Venus' day] : the sixth day of the week, following Thursday
Galatea n
[fr. Gk, a sea nymph courted in vain by Polyphemus, who killed her sweetheart Acis in jealousy] : a moon of the planet Neptune
Ganymede n
[L Ganymedes, fr. Gk Ganymedes Ganymede, a beautiful youth carried off to Olympus to be the cupbearer of the gods in classical mythology] 1 : the largest of Jupiter's moons 2 : a young waiter who serves liquors
giant n
[ME giaunt, fr. OE geant, fr. L gigas, fr. Gk. a legendary humanlike being of great stature and strength] 1 a : a living being of great size b : a person of extraordinary powers 2 : something unusually large or powerful
gorgon n
[L Gorgon-, Gorgo, fr. Gk Gorgon, any of three snake-haired sisters in Greek mythology whose appearance turns men to stone] : an ugly or repulsive woman
gorgonize v
to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on : stupefy, petrify
gorgonian n
[NL Gorgonia, a coral genus, fr. L coral, fr. Gorgon-, Gorgo] : any of an order (Gorgonacea) of colonial anthozoans with a usu. horny and branching axial skeleton
Hades n
[Gk Haides, the underground abode of the dead in Greek mythology] : Hell
hadal adj
[F, fr. Hades, Hades] : of, relating to, or being the parts of an ocean below 6000 meters
halcyon n
[fr. Gk Alkyone, daughter of Aeolus, king of the winds, who forbade his winds to blow across the sea for fourteen days to honor his dead daughter, who was turned into a kingfish] : a kingfisher
Halcyon Days n
[fr. Gk Alkyone, corres. to the fourteen windless days in the legend] : the seven days before and after the winter solstice
harpy n
[L Harpyia, fr. Gk, a foul creature that is part woman and part bird] 1 a : a predatory person : leech b : a shrewish woman
harpy eagle n
a large powerful crested eagle (Harpia harpyja) of Central and So. America
1hector n
[L, fr. Gk Hektor, Trojan champion slain by Achilles] 1 : bully, braggart 2 : to play the bully : to intimidate by bluster or personal pressure
2Hector n
a boy's given name
Helen n
[fr. Gk, the beautiful daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus whose kidnapping by Paris was the cause of the Trojan War] : a girl's given name
helium n
[NL, fr. Gk helios sun, personified by the god of the sun Helios] : a light, colorless gaseous element
Hellene n, adj
[Gk Hellen, son of Deucalion and ancestor of the Greeks]: Greek
hellenize v
to become Greek or Hellenistic
Hellespont n
[ancient name of the Dardanelles, fr. Helle Helle, who, while escaping from her stepmother with her brother Phrixus, fell into this body of water and drowned] : a strait connecting the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marma
herculean adj
[L, fr. Gk Herakles, a mythical Greek hero renowned for his great strength and for performing the 12 labors imposed on him by Hera] : of extraordinary power, extent, intensity, or difficulty
Hercules n
a large N constellation between Ophiuchus and Draco
Hercules'-club n
1 : a small prickly eastern U.S. tree (Aralia spinosa) of the ginseng family -- called also angelica tree 2 : a small prickly southern U.S. tree (Zanthoxylum clava-herculis) of the rue family
herm n
[L hermes, fr. Gk hermes statue of Hermes, fr. Hermes] : a statue in the form of a square stone pillar surmounted by a bust or head, esp. of Hermes
hermaphrodite n
[ME hermofrodite, fr L hermaphroditus, fr. Gk hermaphroditos, fr. Hermaphroditos, the son of Aphrodite and Hermes who merged into one form with the nymph Salmacis] : an animal or plant bearing both male and female reproductive organs
hermeneutics n
[Gr hermeneutikos, from the the name of the Greek god Hermes, god of science, commerce, cunning, and eloquence] : the art or science of the interpretation of literature
hermetic adj
1 : magical; alchemic; obscure; difficult to understand 2 : airtight
hesperidin n
[NL hesperidium orange, fr. L Hesperides, nymphs in classical mythology who guard a garden in which golden apples grow] : a crystalline glycoside found in most citrus fruits
hesperidium n
[NL] : a berry (as an orange or lime) having a leathery rind
Hesperus n
[ME, fr. L, fr. Gk Hesperos, god of evening] : the evening star
hesperian adj
western, occidental
hippocampus n
[L, fr. Gk hippokampus, hippo horse + kampos sea monster, a sea horse in Greek mythology with two forefeet and a body ending in the tail of a dolphin or fish] 1 : Anatomy, an enfolding of cerebral cortex into the lateral fissure of a cerebral hemisphere having the shape in cross section of a sea horse 2 : Capitalized, a genus of fish
hyacinth n
[L hyacinthus a flowering plant, fr. Gk hyakinthos, which according to mythology comes from the name of Hyacinthus, a youth loved by Apollo, who grows this flower in memoriam from the boy's blood after accidentally killing him] : a bulbous herb (Hyacinthus orientalis) of the lily family grown for its dense spikes of fragrant flowers
1hydra n
[L, fr. Gk hydra water serpent, a water serpent in classical mythology with nine heads, each of which, if cut off, would grow back as two] 1 : any fresh-water polyp of the genus Hydra 2 : a persistent or many-sided problem that presents new obstacles as soon as one aspect is solved
2Hydra n
the Sea Serpent, a large southern constellation
hygiene n
[NL hygieina, fr. Gk hygieinos, fr. hygies, poss. fr. Hygeia Hygeia, the Greek goddess of health] 1 : a science of the establishment and maintenance of health 2 : conditions or practices conducive to health
hymeneal n
[L hymenaeus wedding song, wedding, fr. Gk hymenaios, fr. Hymen, Greek god of marriage] 1 : nuptial 2 : a wedding song
hymn n
[ME ymne, fr. OE ymen, fr. L hymnus song of praise, fr. Gk hymnos; assoc. with Polyhymnia, the Muse of mime] 1 : a song of praise to God 2 : a song of praise or joy
Hyperion n
[fr. L, fr. Gk Hyperion, a Titan, the father of Helios, Selene, and Eos] 1 : one of the moons of Saturn 2 trademark : a book publishing company
hypnosis n
[fr. Gk hypnos sleep, assoc. with Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep] : an artificially induced condition resembling sleep
Iapetus n
[fr. L, fr. Gk, a Titan, son of Uranus and Gaea and father of Atlas, Epimetheus, and Prometheus] : one of the many satellites of Saturn
Io n
[L Io, a maiden loved by Zeus and changed into a heifer so that she might escape Hera's wrath] : one of the many moons of the planet Jupiter
io moth n
a chiefly No. American saturniid moth (Automeris io) having a large ocellated spot on each hind wing and a larva with stinging spines
Ionic adj
[fr. Ionia, in Asia Minor, fr. Ion, an Athenian prince who is the mythical ancestor of the Ionian race] : of or relating to the ancient Greek architectural order distinguished by fluted columns on bases and scroll volutes in its capitals
Irene n
[fr. Gk eirenikos, fr. eirene peace, Eirene was Greek personification of Peace] : a girl's given name
irenic adj
favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation, or conciliation
1 iris n
[ME, fr. L irid-, iris rainbow, iris plant, fr. Gk Iris Iris, goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods] 1 : rainbow 2 : the opaque contractile diaphragm perforated by the pupil and forming the colored portion of the eye
2 Iris n
1 [NL Irid-, Iris, genus name, fr. L] : any of a large genus (Iris of the family Iridaceae, the iris family) of perennial herbaceous plants with linear basal leaves and large showy flowers 2 : a girl's given name
irisation n
the effect or quality of being iridescent; iridescence
January n
[ME Januarie, fr. L Januarius, 1st month of ancient Roman year, fr. Janus Roman god of beginnings who is represented artistically with two opposite faces] : the first month of the Gregorian calendar
Janus-faced adj
duplicitous, two-faced
Janus n
1 : a moon of Saturn 2 trademark : brand name of watch
Jove n
[L Jov-, Juppiter Jupiter, the most powerful Roman god] : often used interjectionally to express surprise or agreement esp. in the phrase by Jove
jovial adj
markedly good-humored
Jovian adj
of, relating to, or characteristic of the planet Jupiter
Jovian magnetosphere n
the region of space that surrounds the planet Jupiter
Juno n
[L Juno, wife of Jupiter, goddess of light, birth, women, and marriage] 1 : the fourth largest and one of the four brightest asteroids in the solar system 2 : a woman of regal appearance or bearing
Junoesque adj
marked by stately beauty
Jupiter n
[L Juppiter Jupiter, the chief and most powerful Roman god, husband of Juno] : the largest of the planets and the fifth from the sun
Leda n
[fr. L, the mother of Castor and Clytemnestra by her husband Tyndareus, and of Pollux and Helen by Zeus, who was wearing the form of a swan] 1 : a satellite of the planet Jupiter 2 : a girl's given name
lethe n
[L, fr. Gk Lethe, a river in Hades whose waters cause drinkers to forget their past, fr. lethe forgetfulness] : oblivion, forgetfulness
lethargy n
[fr. Gk lethargia, fr. lethargos forgetful, fr. lethe] : abnormal drowsiness
lupine adj
[L lupinus, fr. lupus, fr. Gk lykos wolf; assoc. with Lycaeon, who was turned into a wolf] : wolfish
Lupus n
a S constellation near the Milky Way, located between Centaurus and Scorpius
lycanthropy n
[fr. Gk lykanthrop(os) wolf-man, equiv. to lyk(os) wolf + anthropos man, the former of which, according to mythology, is from the name Lycaon, an Arcadian king transformed into a wolf for presuming to test the divinity of Zeus] 1 : a kind of insanity in which the victim imagines himself to be a wolf or other wild beast 2 : the fable's assumption of the form of a wolf by a human being
lyceum n
[L Lyceum, gymnasium near Athens where Aristotle taught, fr. Gk Lykeion, fr. lykeios, epithet of Apollo] 1 : a hall for public lectures or discussions 2 : an association providing public lectures, concerts, and entertainments
lycosid n
[fr. Gk lykos wolf] : a spider of the family Lycosidae, compromising the wolf spiders
[fr. L, the mother of Castor and Clytemnestra by her husband Tyndareus, and of Pollux and Helen by Zeus, who was wearing the form of a swan] 1 : a satellite of the planet Jupiter 2 : a girl's given name
lethe n
[L, fr. Gk Lethe, a river in Hades whose waters cause drinkers to forget their past, fr. lethe forgetfulness] : oblivion, forgetfulness
lethargy n
[fr. Gk lethargia, fr. lethargos forgetful, fr. lethe] : abnormal drowsiness
lupine adj
[L lupinus, fr. lupus, fr. Gk lykos wolf; assoc. with Lycaeon, who was turned into a wolf] : wolfish
Lupus n
a S constellation near the Milky Way, located between Centaurus and Scorpius
lycanthropy n
[fr. Gk lykanthrop(os) wolf-man, equiv. to lyk(os) wolf + anthropos man, the former of which, according to mythology, is from the name Lycaon, an Arcadian king transformed into a wolf for presuming to test the divinity of Zeus] 1 : a kind of insanity in which the victim imagines himself to be a wolf or other wild beast 2 : the fable's assumption of the form of a wolf by a human being
lyceum n
[L Lyceum, gymnasium near Athens where Aristotle taught, fr. Gk Lykeion, fr. lykeios, epithet of Apollo] 1 : a hall for public lectures or discussions 2 : an association providing public lectures, concerts, and entertainments
lycosid n
[fr. Gk lykos wolf] : a spider of the family Lycosidae, compromising the wolf spiders
March n
[ME, fr. OF, fr. L martius, Fr. martius of Mars, fr. Mart-, Mars Roman god of war] : 3rd month of the Gregorian calendar
Mars n
1 : the planet forth in order from the sun and conspicuous for its red color 2 trademark : a brand of candy bar
martial adj
[ME, fr. L martialis of Mars, fr. Mart-, Mars] 1 : of, relating, or suited for war or a warrior 2 : relating to an army or to military life 3 : experienced or inclined to war
Martian n
1 : an inhabitant of Mars adj 2 : of or relating to the hypothetical inhabitants of the planet Mars
May n
[ME, fr. L Maius, fr. Maia, Roman goddess of growth and increase] 1 : the fifth month of the Gregorian calendar 2 : the early vigorous blooming part of human life 3 : a spring-flowering spirea 4 : a girl's given name
medicine n
[ME, fr. OF, fr. L medicina, fr. medicus (sugg. that it is fr. L Medea, fr. Gk Medeia an enchantress in Greek mythology)] : the science and art dealing with the maintenance of health
Melissa n
[fr. Gk, the sister of Amalthea who nourished the infant Zeus with honey in Greek mythology] : a girl's given name
mercurial adj
[L Mercurius Mercury, Roman god of merchandise, trade, and theft] 1 : having qualities of eloquence, ingenuity, or thievishness attributed to the god Mercury 2 : characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood
1 mercury n
1 : a bearer of messages or news or a conductor of travelers 2 [ME mercurie, fr. ML mercurius, fr. L, the god] : a heavy silver-white poisonous metallic element
2 Mercury n
1 : the planet nearest the sun 2 trademark : a record production label
Metis n
[L, a Titanesse, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys and the mother of Athena by Zeus] : one of the moons of Jupiter
Midas touch n
[L, fr. Gk, legend of the Phrygian king Midas who is given the power to turn everything he touched into gold] : an uncanny ability for making money in every venture
Mimas n
[Gk, one of the Gigantes, killed by Hercules] : one of the satellites of Saturn
1 Minoan adj
[L minous of Minos, fr. Gk minoios, fr. Minos Minos, son of Zeus and mythical king of Crete] : of or relating to a Bronze Age culture of Crete (3000 BC-1100 BC)
2 Minoan n
a native or inhabitant of ancient Crete
mnemonic adj
[Gk mnemonikos, fr. mnemon mindful, fr. Gk Mnemosyne, the Greek goddess of memory and mother by Zeus of the nine Muses] : assisting memory
mome n
[poss. fr. L Momus Momus, fr. Gk Momos, the Greek god of censure and mockery] : blockhead, fool
morphine n
[F, fr. L Morpheus, fr. Gk, Greek god of dreams] : a bitter crystalline addictive narcotic used in the form of a soluble salt as an analgesic and sedative
morphinism n
a disordered condition of health produced by habitual use of morphine
morpho n
[NL, fr. Gk Morpho, epithet of Aphrodite, goddess of love] : any of a genus (Morpho of the family Morphoidae) of large showy tropical butterflies that typically have a brilliant blue metallic luster on the upper surface of the wings
muse n
[ME, fr. L Musa, fr. Gk Mousa the nine sister goddesses in Greek mythology presiding over song and poetry and the arts and sciences] 1 : a source of inspiration 2 : poet
museum n
[L Museum place for learned occupation, fr. Gk Mouseion, fr. neut. of Mouseios of the Muses, fr. Mousa] : an institution devoted to the procurement, care, study, and display of objects of lasting interest or value
music n
[ME musik, fr. OF musique, fr. L musica, fr. Gk mousike any art presided over by the Muses, esp. music, fr. fem. of mousikos of the Muses, fr. Mousa Muse] : the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having rhythm, melody, or harmony
myrmidon n
[ME Mirmydon, L Myrmidon-, Myrmido, fr. Gk Myrmidon, a member of a legendary Thessalian people who accompanied their king Achilles in the Trojan War] : a loyal follower
naiad n
[ME, fr. L naiad-, naias, fr. Gk, nymphs of classical mythology living in and giving life to bodies of water] 1 : any of the aquatic young of a mayfly, dragonfly, damselfly, or stone fly 2 : any of a genus (Najas of the family Najadaceae) of submerged aquatic plants
2 Naiad n
a moon of Neptune
narcissism n
[G Narzissismus, fr. Narziss Narcissus, fr. L Narcissus, fr. Gk Narkissos, a beautiful youth in Greek mythology who pines away for love of his own reflection and is turned into the narcissus flower] 1 : egoism, egocentrism 2 : love of or sexual desire for one's own body
narcissus n
[L, fr. Gk Narkissos] : daffodil, esp: one whose flowers have a short corona and are usu. borne separately
nemertean n
[ultim. fr. Gk Nemertes Nemertes, one of the Nereids, sea nymphs of Greek mythology] : any of a phylum (Nemertea syn. Rhynchocoela) of often vividly colored marine worms most of which burrow in the mud or sand along seacoasts--called also ribbon worm
nemesis n
[L, fr. Gk, goddess of retributive justice] 1 a : one that inflicts retribution or vengeance b : a formidable and usu. victorious rival or opponent 2 a : an act or effect of retribution b : bane
1 neptune n
[L Neptunus, Roman god of the sea] : ocean
2 Neptune n
the planet 8th from the sun
neptunium n
[NL, fr. ISV Neptune] : a radioactive metallic element that is chemically similar to uranium and is obtained in nuclear reactors as a by-product in the production of plutonium
Nereid n
[NL Nereidae, fr. Nereis, a genus, fr. L, Nereid] : any of a family (Nereidae) of polychaete worms; esp: any of a genus (Nereis) of usu. large often dimorphic and greenish mostly marine worms
neritic adj
[ISV, poss. fr. L, fr. Gk Nereus, a Greek sea-god] : of, relating to, inhabiting, or constituting the belt or region of shallow water adjoining the seacoast
nestor n
[L, fr. Gk Nestor, a king of Phylos who serves in his old age as a counselor to the Greeks at Troy] : one who is a patriarch or leader in a field
night n
[ME, fr. OE niht, L noct-, nox, Gk nykt-, nyx night; assoc. with the Greek god of night, Nyx] : the time from dusk til dawn when no sun is visible
Nike trademark
[Gk Nike Goddess of victory] : a brand of athletic shoe
Niobe n
[NL, fr. L Niobe, a daughter of Tantalus who while weeping for her slain children is turned into a stone from which her tears continue to flow; fr. its occurrence in tantalite] : a girl's given name
niobium n
a lustrous light gray ductile metallic element that resembles tantalum chemically and is used in alloys
nocturnal adj
[ME, fr. MF or LL; MF, fr. LL nocturnalis, fr. L nocturnus of night, nocturnal, fr. noct-, nox night, fr. Nox] : of or pertaining to the night
nymphaeaceous adj
[fr. L nymphae(a) the water lily, fr. Gk nymphaios sacred to the nymphs, minor mythological deities portrayed as beautiful maidens inhabiting the sea, rivers, woods, trees, mountains, meadows, etc., and often mentioned as attending a superior deity] : belonging to the Nymphaeacae, or water lily family of plants
nymphaeum n
1 : a room or area having a fountain, statues, flowers, etc 2 : an architecturally treated outlet of a reservoir or aqueduct
nymphalid n
[fr. NL Nymphalid(ae) name of family, equiv. to Nymphal(is) name of genus, fr. L nymph(a) nymph] n 1 : a butterfly of the family Nymphalidae, comprising the brush-footed butterflies adj 2 : belonging or pertaining to the family Nymphalidae
nympholepsy n
a frenzy of emotion, as for something unattainable, an ecstasy thought by the ancients to be caused by nymphs
nymphomania n
abnormal and uncontrollable sexual desire in women
[ME, fr. L naiad-, naias, fr. Gk, nymphs of classical mythology living in and giving life to bodies of water] 1 : any of the aquatic young of a mayfly, dragonfly, damselfly, or stone fly 2 : any of a genus (Najas of the family Najadaceae) of submerged aquatic plants
2 Naiad n
a moon of Neptune
narcissism n
[G Narzissismus, fr. Narziss Narcissus, fr. L Narcissus, fr. Gk Narkissos, a beautiful youth in Greek mythology who pines away for love of his own reflection and is turned into the narcissus flower] 1 : egoism, egocentrism 2 : love of or sexual desire for one's own body
narcissus n
[L, fr. Gk Narkissos] : daffodil, esp: one whose flowers have a short corona and are usu. borne separately
nemertean n
[ultim. fr. Gk Nemertes Nemertes, one of the Nereids, sea nymphs of Greek mythology] : any of a phylum (Nemertea syn. Rhynchocoela) of often vividly colored marine worms most of which burrow in the mud or sand along seacoasts--called also ribbon worm
nemesis n
[L, fr. Gk, goddess of retributive justice] 1 a : one that inflicts retribution or vengeance b : a formidable and usu. victorious rival or opponent 2 a : an act or effect of retribution b : bane
1 neptune n
[L Neptunus, Roman god of the sea] : ocean
2 Neptune n
the planet 8th from the sun
neptunium n
[NL, fr. ISV Neptune] : a radioactive metallic element that is chemically similar to uranium and is obtained in nuclear reactors as a by-product in the production of plutonium
Nereid n
[NL Nereidae, fr. Nereis, a genus, fr. L, Nereid] : any of a family (Nereidae) of polychaete worms; esp: any of a genus (Nereis) of usu. large often dimorphic and greenish mostly marine worms
neritic adj
[ISV, poss. fr. L, fr. Gk Nereus, a Greek sea-god] : of, relating to, inhabiting, or constituting the belt or region of shallow water adjoining the seacoast
nestor n
[L, fr. Gk Nestor, a king of Phylos who serves in his old age as a counselor to the Greeks at Troy] : one who is a patriarch or leader in a field
night n
[ME, fr. OE niht, L noct-, nox, Gk nykt-, nyx night; assoc. with the Greek god of night, Nyx] : the time from dusk til dawn when no sun is visible
Nike trademark
[Gk Nike Goddess of victory] : a brand of athletic shoe
Niobe n
[NL, fr. L Niobe, a daughter of Tantalus who while weeping for her slain children is turned into a stone from which her tears continue to flow; fr. its occurrence in tantalite] : a girl's given name
niobium n
a lustrous light gray ductile metallic element that resembles tantalum chemically and is used in alloys
nocturnal adj
[ME, fr. MF or LL; MF, fr. LL nocturnalis, fr. L nocturnus of night, nocturnal, fr. noct-, nox night, fr. Nox] : of or pertaining to the night
nymphaeaceous adj
[fr. L nymphae(a) the water lily, fr. Gk nymphaios sacred to the nymphs, minor mythological deities portrayed as beautiful maidens inhabiting the sea, rivers, woods, trees, mountains, meadows, etc., and often mentioned as attending a superior deity] : belonging to the Nymphaeacae, or water lily family of plants
nymphaeum n
1 : a room or area having a fountain, statues, flowers, etc 2 : an architecturally treated outlet of a reservoir or aqueduct
nymphalid n
[fr. NL Nymphalid(ae) name of family, equiv. to Nymphal(is) name of genus, fr. L nymph(a) nymph] n 1 : a butterfly of the family Nymphalidae, comprising the brush-footed butterflies adj 2 : belonging or pertaining to the family Nymphalidae
nympholepsy n
a frenzy of emotion, as for something unattainable, an ecstasy thought by the ancients to be caused by nymphs
nymphomania n
abnormal and uncontrollable sexual desire in women
ocean n
[ME occean, fr. L oceanus, fr. Gk Okeanos, a Titan who rules over the river that encircles the earth in Greek mythology] 1 a : the whole body of salt water that covers nearly three fourths of the surface of the globe b : any of the large bodies of water into which the great ocean is divided 2 : a very large or unlimited space or quantity
odyssey n
[the Odyssey, epic poem attributed to Homer recounting the long wanderings of Odysseus, a king of Ithaca and Greek leader in the Trojan War who after the war wanders 10 years before reaching home] 1 : a long wandering or voyage usu. marked by many changes of fortune 2 : an intellectual or spiritual wandering or quest
Oedipus complex n
[L, fr. Gk Oidipous, the son of Laius and Jocasta who in fulfillment of an oracle unknowingly kills his father and marries his mother] : the positive libidinal feelings of a son toward his mother and hostile or jealous feelings toward his father that may be a source of adult personality disorder when unresolved
ogre n
[F, prob. ultim. fr. L Orcus, god of the underworld] 1 : monster that feeds on human beings 2 : a dreaded person or object
Olympian adj
[L, fr. Gk Olympos, a mountain in Thessaly that in Greek mythology is the abode of the gods] : lofty
Olympian n
a being of lofty detachment or superior attainments
Olympus trademark
a photographic technology company
Orion n
[L, fr. Gk Orion, a giant hunter slain by Artemis in Greek mythology] 1 : a constellation on the equator represented on charts by the figure of a hunter with a belt and sword 2 trademark : a motion picture production company
orphic adj
[fr. L Orpheus, fr. Gk, poet and musician in Greek mythology who almost rescues his wife Eurydice from Hades by charming Pluto and Persephone with his lyre] 1 : mystic, oracular 2 : fascinating, entrancing
Orphism n
[Orpheus, its founder]: a mystic Greek religion offering initiates purification of the soul from innate evil and release from the cycle of reincarnation
paean n
[L, hymn of thanksgiving esp. addressed to Apollo, fr. Gk paian, paion, fr. Paian, Paion, epithet of Apollo in the hymn] : a joyous song or hymn of praise, tribute, thanksgiving, or triumph
paeon n
[L, fr. Gk paion, fr. paian, paion paean] : a metrical foot of four syllables with one long and three short syllables (as in classical prosody) or with one stressed and three unstressed syllables (as in English prosody)
palladium n
[ME, fr. L, fr. Gk palladion, fr. Pallad-, Pallas, epithet for Athena, patron goddess of Athens] 1 : a statue of Pallas whose preservation was believed to ensure the safety of Troy 2 : safeguard 3 : a silver-white ductile malleable metallic element
1 pander n
[ME Pandare Pandarus, fr. L Pandarus, a Lycian archer in the Trojan War who in legend procures Cressida for Troilus] 1 a : a go-between in love intrigues b : pimp 2 : someone who caters to or exploits the weaknesses of others
2 pander v
to act as a pander; esp: to provide gratification for others' desires
Pandora n
[fr. L, fr. Gk: lit. all-gifted, the first woman, created by Hephaestus, given treacherously to Epimetheus along with a box in which Prometheus had confined all the evils of the world; as expected, Pandora curiously opened the forbidden box and thus released into the world all troubles of mankind] : a moon of Saturn
Pandora's box n
[fr. the box sent by the gods to Pandora] : a prolific source of troubles
pandora shell n
any marine bivalve of the genus Pandora, having a scimitar-shaped shell; also, the shell
1 panic adj
[F panique, fr. Gk panikos, lit., of Pan, fr. Pan, a Greek god of pastures, flocks, and shepherds usu. represented as having the legs, horns, and ears of a goat] 1 : of, relating to, or resembling the mental or emotional state believed induced by the god Pan 2 : of, relating to, or arising from a panic
2 panic n
1 : a sudden overpowering fright 2 : a sudden widespread fright concerning financial affairs that results in a depression of values caused by extreme measures for protection 3 : one that is very funny
3 panic v
1 : to affect with panic 2 : to produce demonstrative appreciation on the part of 3 : to be affected with panic
pan-pipe n
[Pan, its traditional inventor] : a primitive wind instrument consisting of a series of short vertical pipes of graduated lengths bound together with the mouthpiece in an even row
pantheon n
[ME Panteon, a temple at Rome, fr. L Pantheon, fr. Gk pantheion temple of all the gods] 1 : a temple dedicated to all the gods 2 : a building serving as a burial place of or containing memorials to the famous dead of a nation 3 : the gods of a people 4 : a group of illustrious people
1 Paphian n
[L paphius, fr. Gk paphios, fr. Paphos, ancient city of Cyprus that was the center of the worship of Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love] : prostitute
2 Paphian adj
of or relating to illicit love : wanton
Parcae n
[L Parcae, the Fates] : fate
Parnassian adj
[L parnassius of Parnassus, fr. Gk parnasios, fr. Parnasos Parnassus, mountain in Greece sacred to the god Apollo and the Muses] : of or relating to poetry
Parthenon n
[L, fr. Gk Parthenon] : the temple of Athena built on the acropolis at Athens
Pasiphae n
[fr. Gk, the wife of Minos, mother of Ariadne, and mother of the Minotaur by the Cretan bull] : one of the many moons of Jupiter
Pegasus n
[L, fr. Gk Pegasos a winged horse that causes the stream Hippocrene to spring from Mount Hellison with a blow of his hoof] 1 : poetic inspiration 2 : a northern constellation near the vernal equinoctial point
Penelope n
[fr. Gk, the wife of Odysseus who remained faithful to him throughout his absence at Troy, despite having many suitors] : a girl's given name
peony n
[ME piony, fr. MF pioine, fr. L paeonia, fr. Gk paionia, fr. Paion Paeon, physician of the gods] : any of a genus (Paeonia of the family Paeoniaccae) of chiefly Eurasian plants with large often double flowers
Perseid n
[L Perseus; fr. their appearing to radiate from a point in Perseus] : any of a group of meteors that appear annually about August 11
Perseus n
[L, fr. Gk Perseus, son of Zeus and Danae and slayer of Medusa] : a northern constellation between Taurus and Cassiopeia
phaeton n
[L, fr. Gk Phaethon, a son of Helios who drives his father's sun-chariot through the sky but loses control and is struck down by a thunderbolt of Zeus] 1 : any of a various light four-wheeled horse-drawn vehicles 2 : touring car
philomel n
[L Philomela, fr. Gk Philomele, an Athenian princess who was raped by her brother-in-law Tereus and, after having had her tongue cut out by him, was later avenged and transformed into a nightingale] : nightingale
phlegethon n
[L. fr. Gk Phlegothon, a river of fire in Hades] : a stream of fire or fiery light
Phobos n
[fr. L Phobus, a son and attendant of Ares in Roman mythology] : one of two satellites of Mars
1 phoebe n
[L, fr. Gk Phoibe, Artemis] : any of a genus (Sayornis) of American flycatchers
2 Phoebe n
1 : one of the nine satellites of Saturn 2 : the moon personified, in literature 3 : a girl's given name
Phoebus n
[L, fr. Gk Phoibus, Apollo] Literary : the sun
1 phoenix n
[L, fr. Gk phoinix a mythical bird, Phoenician; fr. Phoenix, the brother of Cadmus and Europa and eponymous ancestor of the Phoenicians] 1 : a mythical bird of great beauty, the only one of its kind, fabled to live 500 or 600 years, to burn itself on a funeral pile, and to rise from its ashes in the freshness of youth and live through another cycle of years 2 : a person or thing of peerless beauty or excellence 3 : a person or thing that has become renewed or restored after suffering calamity
2 Phoenix trademark
a photographic technology company
pierian adj
[L Pierius, of or relating to the region of Pieria in ancient Macedonia where the Muses were once worshipped] 1 : of or relating to learning poetry 2 : of or pertaining to inspiration
Pierian Spring n
a fountain in Pieria, sacred to the Muses and supposedly conferring inspiration or learning on anyone who drank from it
pierid n
[fr. NL Pieridae, family of butterflies named for nine maidens who challenged the Muses to a singing contest and lost, and were transformed into magpies for insulting the victors, fr. Gk Pierides Muses] : a pierid butterfly
pleiad n
[fr. F Pleiade, fr. L, fr. Gk Pleiad-, Pleias, fr. sing. of Pleiades, the seven daughters of Atlas turned into a group of stars in Greek mythology] : a group of usu. seven illustrious or brilliant persons or things
Pleiades n
a conspicuous cluster of stars in the constellation Taurus that includes six stars in the form of a very small dipper
Pluto n
[L Pluton-, Pluto, fr. Gk Plouton Pluto, the Greek god of the underworld] : the planet with the farthest mean distance from the sun
plutonian adj
of, relating to, or characteristic of Pluto or the lower world
plutonic adj
formed by solidification of magma deep within the earth and crystalline throughout
plutonium n
a radioactive element
priapic adj
[L priapus lecher, fr. Priapus, a Greek and Roman god of gardens and male generative power] 1 : phallic 2 : relating to or preoccupied with virility
procrustean adj
[L, fr. Gk Prokroustes Procrustes, a villainous son of Poseidon in Greek mythology who forces travelers to fit into his bed by stretching their bodies or cutting off their legs] : marked by arbitrary often ruthless disregard of individual differences or special circumstances
procrustean bed n
a scheme or pattern into which someone or something is arbitrarily forced
Promethea moth n
[NL, fem. of L Prometheus Prometheus, a Titan who is chained and tortured by Zeus for stealing fire from Heaven and giving it to mankind] : a silkworm moth, Callosamia promethea, having reddish-brown wings, the larvae of which feed on spicebush and other lauraceous plants
promethean adj
daringly original or creative
Prometheus n
a satellite of the planet Saturn
promethium n
[NL, fr. L Prometheus] : a radioactive metallic element
protea n
[NL, fr. L Proteus, fr. Gk Proteus Proteus, a sea god in Greek mythology noted for his ability to assume different forms and to prophesy] : any of a genus (Protea of the family Proteacaea, the protea family) of evergreen shrubs often grown for their showy bracts and dense flower heads
protean n
1 : of or resembling Proteus in having a varied nature or ability to assume different shapes 2 : displaying great diversity or variety
1 proteus n
a person or thing that readily changes appearance, character, principles, etc.
2 Proteus n
1 : a satellite of Neptune 2 : any of a genus (Proteus) of aerobic usu. motile enterobacteria
psyche n
[L, fr. Gk psyche soul, fr. Psyche Psyche, a princess loved by Cupid] 1 a : soul, self b : mind
python n
[L, monstrous serpent killed by Apollo, fr. Gk Python, fr. Pytho Delphi, site of Apollo's oracle] : any of various large constricting snakes
pythoness n
[ME Phitonesse, fr. MF pithonisse, fr. LL pythonissa, fr. Gk Python, spirit of divination, fr. Pytho Delphi] : a woman who practices divination, as would a prophetic priestess of Apollo
1 pythonic adj
prophetic, oracular
2 pythonic adj
1 : of or pertaining to pythons 2 : pythonlike 3 : gigantic or monstrous
Quirinus n
[L Quirinus, an ancient Roman god of war associated with the deified Romulus] : a personification of the Roman nation
rhadamanthine adj
[L, fr. Rhadamanthus, a judge of the underworld in Greek mythology] : rigorously strict or just
Rhadamanthys n
an inflexibly just or severe judge
1 rhea n
[NL, genus of birds, fr. L Rhea, mother of Zeus, fr. Gk] : either of the two South American ratite birds (Rhea americana and Pterocnemia pennata of the family Rheidae) that resemble but are smaller than the African ostrich and that have three toes, a fully feathered head and neck, and pale gray to brownish feathers
2 Rhea n
1 : one of the nine satellites of Saturn 2 : a girl's given name
rhesus monkey n
[NL Rhesus, genus of monkeys, fr. L, fr. Gk, a mythical king of Thrace and ally of Troy whose horses were captured by Odysseus and Diomedes to keep them from eating Trojan fodder or drinking from the Xanthus, since it was foretold that if the horses did so, Troy would not fall] : a pale brown Asian macaque (Macaca mulatta) often used in medical research
Rome n
[partly fr. ME, fr. OE, fr. L Romanus, adj & n, fr. Roma Rome, which some accounts claim was named after Roma, daughter of the legendary Evander, who was the son of Hermes; other stories tell of Rome's legendary founder Romulus as the source of the name] : the modern-day capital of Italy, and heart of the Roman culture
salutary adj
[MF salutaire, fr. L salutaris, fr. salus health, or Salus the Roman goddess of health] 1 : producing a beneficial effect 2 : promoting health, a curative
Saronic Gulf n
[fr. Gk Saron, mythological king of Troezan who chased a doe into this sea and was drowned there] : an inlet of the Aegean on the SE coast of Greece
Saturday n
[fr. L Saturnus Saturn, ancient Roman god of agriculture and father of Jupiter] : the seventh day of the week
Saturn n
[L Saturnus Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture and father of Jupiter] : the 6th planet from the sun 2 trademark : a make of automobile
saturnalia n
1 : an unrestrained often licentious celebration 2 : excess, extravagance
Saturnian adj
of, relating to, or influenced by the planet Saturn
saturniid n
[NL Saturniidae, fr. Saturnia, genus of moths, fr. L, daughter of Saturn] : any of a family (Saturniidae) of usually large stout strong-winged moths
saturnine adj
[L Saturnus] 1 : cold and steady in mood 2 : of a gloomy or surly disposition 3 : having a sardonic aspect
satyr n
[ME, fr. L satyrus, fr. Gk satyros Satyr, a sylvan deity in Greek mythology having the legs, hooves, and horns of a goat, and being fond of Dionysian revelry] 1 a : a lecherous man b : one having satyriasis 2 : any of various usually brown and gray satyrid butterflies
satyriasis n
excessive or abnormal sexual craving in a male
satyrid n
any of a family (Satyridae) of brownish butterflies that feed on grasses and have a forewing vein swollen basally
Scylla n
[fr. L, fr. Gk Skylle Scylla, a nymph transformed into a sea monster who terrorizes sailors in the Strait of Messina; associated with Charybdis] 1 : a hazardous rock located in the Strait of Messina off the coast of Italy -- compare Charybdis 2 : between Scylla and Charybdis, between two equally perilous alternatives, neither of which can be passed without encountering the other, i.e. between a rock and a hard place
Selena n
[fr. Gk Selene, daughter of Hyperion and Theia and the personification of the moon, who loved Endymion] : a girl's given name
1 sibyl n
[fr. Gk Sybill(a) Sybil, a prophetess in Greek mythology, the sibyl] : a prophetess or witch
2 Sibyl n
a girl's given name
silenaceous adj
[fr. NL Silen(e) name of genus, after Silenus, a god of the forest in ancient mythology represented as a hairy old man with the ears and legs of a horse, drunk, and seated astride a cask or a donkey] : caryophyllaceous, belonging to the Caryophylla or pink family of plants
1 siren n
[ME sereyn, fr. OF sereine, fr. L Siren, fr. Gk Serein Siren, one of several mythological Greek sea nymphs, part woman and part bird, supposed to lure sailors to their destruction by their seductive singing] 1 a : a woman who sings with bewitching sweetness b : temptress 2 a : an apparatus producing musical tones b : a device often electrically operated for producing a penetrating warning sound
2 siren n
[NL, fr. L] : either of two North American eel-shaped amphibians that constitute a genus (Siren)
sirenian n
[NL Sirenia, fr. L siren] : any of an order (Sirenia) of aquatic herbivorous mammals including the manatee, dugong, and Stellar's sea cow
siren song n
an alluring utterance or appeal, especially one that is seductive or deceptive
Sisyphean adj
[fr. L Sisyphus, fr. Gk Sisyphos, a legendary king of Corinth condemned eternally to repeat the cycle of rolling a heavy rock up a hill in Hades each day only to roll down again as it nears the top] 1 : of, relating to, or suggestive of the labors of Sisyphus 2 : endless and unavailing, as a labor or task
somnambulate v
[fr. L somnus sleep, assoc. with Somnus, the ancient Roman god of sleep, + ambulatus to walk] : to walk while sleeping
Sphingidae n
[fr. Gk Sphinx, Sphix a winged female monster in Greek mythology having a woman's head and a lion's body and noted for killing anyone unable to answer its riddle] : a family of moth
sphinx n
[L, fr. Gk Sphinx, Sphix] 1 : an enigmatic or mysterious person 2 : hawkmoth
stamina n
[L, pl. of stamen warp, thread of life spun by the Fates] : staying power, endurance
sterculiaceous adj
[fr. NL sterculi(a), special use of Sterculius the Roman god of manuring] : belonging to the Sterculiaceae, a family of trees and shrubs comprising the cacao and kola nut trees
stygian adj
[L stygius, fr. Gk stygios, fr. Styg-, Styx Styx, the principal river surrounding the Underworld in Greek mythology] : extremely dark, forbidding, gloomy
syrinx n
[L, fr. Gk syrinxein, to play on the pipes of Pan, which according to mythology was named after the nymph Syrinx, who was transformed in order to protect her chastity from Pan into the reed from which he made the panpipe] 1 : panpipe 2 : the vocal organ of birds
[MF salutaire, fr. L salutaris, fr. salus health, or Salus the Roman goddess of health] 1 : producing a beneficial effect 2 : promoting health, a curative
Saronic Gulf n
[fr. Gk Saron, mythological king of Troezan who chased a doe into this sea and was drowned there] : an inlet of the Aegean on the SE coast of Greece
Saturday n
[fr. L Saturnus Saturn, ancient Roman god of agriculture and father of Jupiter] : the seventh day of the week
Saturn n
[L Saturnus Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture and father of Jupiter] : the 6th planet from the sun 2 trademark : a make of automobile
saturnalia n
1 : an unrestrained often licentious celebration 2 : excess, extravagance
Saturnian adj
of, relating to, or influenced by the planet Saturn
saturniid n
[NL Saturniidae, fr. Saturnia, genus of moths, fr. L, daughter of Saturn] : any of a family (Saturniidae) of usually large stout strong-winged moths
saturnine adj
[L Saturnus] 1 : cold and steady in mood 2 : of a gloomy or surly disposition 3 : having a sardonic aspect
satyr n
[ME, fr. L satyrus, fr. Gk satyros Satyr, a sylvan deity in Greek mythology having the legs, hooves, and horns of a goat, and being fond of Dionysian revelry] 1 a : a lecherous man b : one having satyriasis 2 : any of various usually brown and gray satyrid butterflies
satyriasis n
excessive or abnormal sexual craving in a male
satyrid n
any of a family (Satyridae) of brownish butterflies that feed on grasses and have a forewing vein swollen basally
Scylla n
[fr. L, fr. Gk Skylle Scylla, a nymph transformed into a sea monster who terrorizes sailors in the Strait of Messina; associated with Charybdis] 1 : a hazardous rock located in the Strait of Messina off the coast of Italy -- compare Charybdis 2 : between Scylla and Charybdis, between two equally perilous alternatives, neither of which can be passed without encountering the other, i.e. between a rock and a hard place
Selena n
[fr. Gk Selene, daughter of Hyperion and Theia and the personification of the moon, who loved Endymion] : a girl's given name
1 sibyl n
[fr. Gk Sybill(a) Sybil, a prophetess in Greek mythology, the sibyl] : a prophetess or witch
2 Sibyl n
a girl's given name
silenaceous adj
[fr. NL Silen(e) name of genus, after Silenus, a god of the forest in ancient mythology represented as a hairy old man with the ears and legs of a horse, drunk, and seated astride a cask or a donkey] : caryophyllaceous, belonging to the Caryophylla or pink family of plants
1 siren n
[ME sereyn, fr. OF sereine, fr. L Siren, fr. Gk Serein Siren, one of several mythological Greek sea nymphs, part woman and part bird, supposed to lure sailors to their destruction by their seductive singing] 1 a : a woman who sings with bewitching sweetness b : temptress 2 a : an apparatus producing musical tones b : a device often electrically operated for producing a penetrating warning sound
2 siren n
[NL, fr. L] : either of two North American eel-shaped amphibians that constitute a genus (Siren)
sirenian n
[NL Sirenia, fr. L siren] : any of an order (Sirenia) of aquatic herbivorous mammals including the manatee, dugong, and Stellar's sea cow
siren song n
an alluring utterance or appeal, especially one that is seductive or deceptive
Sisyphean adj
[fr. L Sisyphus, fr. Gk Sisyphos, a legendary king of Corinth condemned eternally to repeat the cycle of rolling a heavy rock up a hill in Hades each day only to roll down again as it nears the top] 1 : of, relating to, or suggestive of the labors of Sisyphus 2 : endless and unavailing, as a labor or task
somnambulate v
[fr. L somnus sleep, assoc. with Somnus, the ancient Roman god of sleep, + ambulatus to walk] : to walk while sleeping
Sphingidae n
[fr. Gk Sphinx, Sphix a winged female monster in Greek mythology having a woman's head and a lion's body and noted for killing anyone unable to answer its riddle] : a family of moth
sphinx n
[L, fr. Gk Sphinx, Sphix] 1 : an enigmatic or mysterious person 2 : hawkmoth
stamina n
[L, pl. of stamen warp, thread of life spun by the Fates] : staying power, endurance
sterculiaceous adj
[fr. NL sterculi(a), special use of Sterculius the Roman god of manuring] : belonging to the Sterculiaceae, a family of trees and shrubs comprising the cacao and kola nut trees
stygian adj
[L stygius, fr. Gk stygios, fr. Styg-, Styx Styx, the principal river surrounding the Underworld in Greek mythology] : extremely dark, forbidding, gloomy
syrinx n
[L, fr. Gk syrinxein, to play on the pipes of Pan, which according to mythology was named after the nymph Syrinx, who was transformed in order to protect her chastity from Pan into the reed from which he made the panpipe] 1 : panpipe 2 : the vocal organ of birds
tansy n
[fr. ML athanasia, fr. GK immortality, fr. a- + thanatos death, assoc. with Thanatos, the incarnation of Death] : a common aromatic Old World herb with bitter-tasting, finely-divided leaves
tantalize v
[fr. L Tantalus a Phrygian king who for his crimes was condemned to remain in Tartarus, standing, thirsty and hungry, chin-deep in water with fruit-laden branches hanging above his head; whenever he tried to drink the water level would recede, and when he tried to eat the fruit would rise out of reach] : to tease or torment by presenting something desirable to view but keeping it continually out of reach
tantalum n
[NL, fr. L Tantalus, for its inability to absorb acid] : a hard ductile gray-white acid resisting metallic element
tantalus n
a locked cellarette with contents visible but not obtainable without a key
Tartarean adj
[L tartareus,, fr. Gk tartareios, fr. Tartaros Tartarus, the underworld in classical mythology where the wicked are punished] : infernal
telluric adj
[fr. L tellur-, tellus earth, personified in Roman mythology as Tellus, the goddess of the earth and of marriages and fertility, assoc. with the Greek Gaea] 1 : terrestrial 2 : being or relating to a natural electric current flowing near the earth's surface
tellurium n
[NL, fr. L tellus] : a semi-metallic element
tempest n
[fr. L tempestas season, weather, storm, personified in Roman mythology as the goddesses of the storm, the Tempestates] 1 : a violent storm 2 : a violent disturbance, commotion
terpsichorean adj
[fr. L, fr. Gk Terpsichore, the Muse of dancing and choral song] : pertaining to dancing
Tethys n
[L, a Titanesse, daughter of Uranus and Gaea, the wife of Oceanus and mother of the Oceanids and river gods] : a moon of Saturn
Teucrian adj
[fr. Gk Teucer, in classical mythology, the first king of Troy and son of Scamander and Idaea] adj 1 : of or pertaining to the ancient Trojans n 2 : one of the ancient Trojans
Thalassa n
[fr. Gk thalass(a) sea, the personification of the sea in classical mythology] : a satellite of Neptune
thalassic adj
1 : of or pertaining to the sea or oceans 2 : growing, living, or found in the sea; marine
thallus n
[NL, fr. Gk thallos young shoot, twig; akin to Thallo, the goddess of spring flowers] : a simple vegetative plant body undifferentiated into true leaves, stem, and body
thanatophobia n
[fr. thanatos death, personified by ancient Greeks as Thanatos] : an abnormal fear of death
thanatopsis n
a view or contemplation of death
Thebe n
[L, a daughter of Asopus and Metope who was abducted by Zeus] : a satellite of the planet Jupiter
thersitical adj
[fr. Thersites, a Greek in the Iliad known for his ugliness, deformity, and foul-mouthed, quarrelsome nature] : scurrilous; foul-mouthed; grossly abusive
Thursday n
[ME; OE Thursdaeg, fr. ODan Thursdagr, lit. Thor's day, fr. D donderdag, fr. G Donnerstag; trans. of LL dies Jovis Jove's day] : the fifth day of the week, following Wednesday
Thyestean banquet n
[fr. Thyestes Thyestes, who was, in classical mythology, the brother and rival of Atreus; he unknowingly ate the flesh of his own sons which Atreus fed to him as punishment for committing adultery with the wife of Atreus] Literary : a dinner at which human flesh is eaten
1 titan n
[fr. L, fr. Gk Titan, any of a family of giants born of Uranus and Gaea and ruling the earth until overthrown by the Olympian gods] : a person or thing of enormous size, strength, power, influence, etc.
2 Titan n
a moon of Saturn once thought to be the largest in the solar system
titanic adj
having great power, magnitude, or force; colossal
titanism n
[fr. the Titans' rebellion against their father Uranus] : defiance of and revolt against social or artistic conventions
titanium n
a dark gray or silvery, lustrous, very hard, light chemical element
titanosaur n
any amphibious, herbivorous dinosaur of the genus Titanosaurus, from the Cretaceous period
tithonia n
[NL, fr. L Tithonia, poetical name for Aurora taken from the name of her beloved, Tithonus, who asked of Aurora to become immortal, but finding himself immortally old, he asked her to take back the gift and was transformed into a grasshopper] : any of a genus (Tithonia) of tall composite herbs or shrubs that have flower resembling sunflowers
Triton n
[L, fr. Gk Triton, a son of the sea god Neptune and Amphitrite, represented as having the head and trunk of a man and the tail of a fish, and as using a conch shell as a trumpet] 1 : any of various large marine gastropod mollusks of the family Trotinidae with a heavy elongated conical shell; also: the shell 2 : the largest satellite of Neptune
[ME triumphe, fr. L triumphus; cf. Gk thriambos Dionysiac procession] n 1 : the act of being victorious 2 : a significant success v 3 : to gain a victory 4 : to be successful
trivia n
[fr. L trivialis belonging to the crossroads, (hence) common; assoc. with Trivia, or Hecate, the Roman goddess of the crossroads] : matters or things that are very unimportant or inconsequential
Tuesday n
[ME tewesday, OE tiwesdaeg, orig, phrase Tiwes daeg Tiw's day, translating L dies Martis day of Mars] : the third day of the week
tychism n
[fr. Gk tyche luck, assoc. with Tyche, the Greek goddess of fortune] : the theory that chance has objective
Unicorn n
[ME unicorne, fr. LL unicorn(is) one-horned, fr. L uni- one + cornu horn, a mythical creature resembling a horse, bearing a single horn on its forehead: often symbolic of chastity and purity] : the constellation Monoceros, south of Gemini and west of Orion
uranium n
[NL, fr. Uranus Uranus, the Greek personification of Heaven, ruler of the world, and father of the Titans by Gaea] : a silvery heavy radioactive metallic element
uranography n
[Gk ouranographia description of heavens, fr. ouranos sky, assoc. with Urania, the Greek Muse of astronomy] : the construction of celestial representations (as maps)
uranoscopid n
[NL Uranoscopid(ae) name of the family, equiv. to L uranoscop(us) kind of fish, assoc. with Uranus] : any fish of the family Uranoscopidae, compromising the stargazers
Uranus n
the 7th planet from the sun existence in the universe
[fr. ML athanasia, fr. GK immortality, fr. a- + thanatos death, assoc. with Thanatos, the incarnation of Death] : a common aromatic Old World herb with bitter-tasting, finely-divided leaves
tantalize v
[fr. L Tantalus a Phrygian king who for his crimes was condemned to remain in Tartarus, standing, thirsty and hungry, chin-deep in water with fruit-laden branches hanging above his head; whenever he tried to drink the water level would recede, and when he tried to eat the fruit would rise out of reach] : to tease or torment by presenting something desirable to view but keeping it continually out of reach
tantalum n
[NL, fr. L Tantalus, for its inability to absorb acid] : a hard ductile gray-white acid resisting metallic element
tantalus n
a locked cellarette with contents visible but not obtainable without a key
Tartarean adj
[L tartareus,, fr. Gk tartareios, fr. Tartaros Tartarus, the underworld in classical mythology where the wicked are punished] : infernal
telluric adj
[fr. L tellur-, tellus earth, personified in Roman mythology as Tellus, the goddess of the earth and of marriages and fertility, assoc. with the Greek Gaea] 1 : terrestrial 2 : being or relating to a natural electric current flowing near the earth's surface
tellurium n
[NL, fr. L tellus] : a semi-metallic element
tempest n
[fr. L tempestas season, weather, storm, personified in Roman mythology as the goddesses of the storm, the Tempestates] 1 : a violent storm 2 : a violent disturbance, commotion
terpsichorean adj
[fr. L, fr. Gk Terpsichore, the Muse of dancing and choral song] : pertaining to dancing
Tethys n
[L, a Titanesse, daughter of Uranus and Gaea, the wife of Oceanus and mother of the Oceanids and river gods] : a moon of Saturn
Teucrian adj
[fr. Gk Teucer, in classical mythology, the first king of Troy and son of Scamander and Idaea] adj 1 : of or pertaining to the ancient Trojans n 2 : one of the ancient Trojans
Thalassa n
[fr. Gk thalass(a) sea, the personification of the sea in classical mythology] : a satellite of Neptune
thalassic adj
1 : of or pertaining to the sea or oceans 2 : growing, living, or found in the sea; marine
thallus n
[NL, fr. Gk thallos young shoot, twig; akin to Thallo, the goddess of spring flowers] : a simple vegetative plant body undifferentiated into true leaves, stem, and body
thanatophobia n
[fr. thanatos death, personified by ancient Greeks as Thanatos] : an abnormal fear of death
thanatopsis n
a view or contemplation of death
Thebe n
[L, a daughter of Asopus and Metope who was abducted by Zeus] : a satellite of the planet Jupiter
thersitical adj
[fr. Thersites, a Greek in the Iliad known for his ugliness, deformity, and foul-mouthed, quarrelsome nature] : scurrilous; foul-mouthed; grossly abusive
Thursday n
[ME; OE Thursdaeg, fr. ODan Thursdagr, lit. Thor's day, fr. D donderdag, fr. G Donnerstag; trans. of LL dies Jovis Jove's day] : the fifth day of the week, following Wednesday
Thyestean banquet n
[fr. Thyestes Thyestes, who was, in classical mythology, the brother and rival of Atreus; he unknowingly ate the flesh of his own sons which Atreus fed to him as punishment for committing adultery with the wife of Atreus] Literary : a dinner at which human flesh is eaten
1 titan n
[fr. L, fr. Gk Titan, any of a family of giants born of Uranus and Gaea and ruling the earth until overthrown by the Olympian gods] : a person or thing of enormous size, strength, power, influence, etc.
2 Titan n
a moon of Saturn once thought to be the largest in the solar system
titanic adj
having great power, magnitude, or force; colossal
titanism n
[fr. the Titans' rebellion against their father Uranus] : defiance of and revolt against social or artistic conventions
titanium n
a dark gray or silvery, lustrous, very hard, light chemical element
titanosaur n
any amphibious, herbivorous dinosaur of the genus Titanosaurus, from the Cretaceous period
tithonia n
[NL, fr. L Tithonia, poetical name for Aurora taken from the name of her beloved, Tithonus, who asked of Aurora to become immortal, but finding himself immortally old, he asked her to take back the gift and was transformed into a grasshopper] : any of a genus (Tithonia) of tall composite herbs or shrubs that have flower resembling sunflowers
Triton n
[L, fr. Gk Triton, a son of the sea god Neptune and Amphitrite, represented as having the head and trunk of a man and the tail of a fish, and as using a conch shell as a trumpet] 1 : any of various large marine gastropod mollusks of the family Trotinidae with a heavy elongated conical shell; also: the shell 2 : the largest satellite of Neptune
[ME triumphe, fr. L triumphus; cf. Gk thriambos Dionysiac procession] n 1 : the act of being victorious 2 : a significant success v 3 : to gain a victory 4 : to be successful
trivia n
[fr. L trivialis belonging to the crossroads, (hence) common; assoc. with Trivia, or Hecate, the Roman goddess of the crossroads] : matters or things that are very unimportant or inconsequential
Tuesday n
[ME tewesday, OE tiwesdaeg, orig, phrase Tiwes daeg Tiw's day, translating L dies Martis day of Mars] : the third day of the week
tychism n
[fr. Gk tyche luck, assoc. with Tyche, the Greek goddess of fortune] : the theory that chance has objective
Unicorn n
[ME unicorne, fr. LL unicorn(is) one-horned, fr. L uni- one + cornu horn, a mythical creature resembling a horse, bearing a single horn on its forehead: often symbolic of chastity and purity] : the constellation Monoceros, south of Gemini and west of Orion
uranium n
[NL, fr. Uranus Uranus, the Greek personification of Heaven, ruler of the world, and father of the Titans by Gaea] : a silvery heavy radioactive metallic element
uranography n
[Gk ouranographia description of heavens, fr. ouranos sky, assoc. with Urania, the Greek Muse of astronomy] : the construction of celestial representations (as maps)
uranoscopid n
[NL Uranoscopid(ae) name of the family, equiv. to L uranoscop(us) kind of fish, assoc. with Uranus] : any fish of the family Uranoscopidae, compromising the stargazers
Uranus n
the 7th planet from the sun existence in the universe
venerate v
[L veneratus, fr. vener-, venus love, sexual desire; assoc. with Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty, equiv. to the Greek Aphrodite] : to honor (as an icon) with a ritual act of devotion
venereal adj
1 : of or relating to sexual pleasure 2 : resulting from or contracted during sexual intercourse
[L Venus Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty] : a beautiful woman
2 Venus n
the planet second from the sun
Venushair n
a delicate maidenhair fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) that grows chiefly on wet calcareous rocks
Venus's girdle n
an iridescent blue and green ctenophore, Cestum veneris, having a ribbon-shaped, gelatinous body
Venus's looking-glass n
any of several campanulaceous herbs of the genus Specularia, esp. S. Specularia Veneris, having blue or white flowers
vesper n
[late ME, fr. L evening (star), esp. Hesper, fr. Hesperos, Greek god of evening] 1 : the evening star 2 : a bell rung at evening 3 : eveningtide
vespers n
a religious service in the late afternoon or evening
Vesta n
[Vesta Vesta, Roman goddess of the hearth, worshipped in a temple containing an altar on which a sacred fire was kept burning by vestal virgins, akin to the Greek Hestia] : the third largest and one of the four brightest asteroids in the solar system
vestal adj
1 : chaste, pure 2 : a chaste unmarried woman; virgin 3 : a nun
volcanic adj
[fr. L Volcanus, var. of Vulcanus Vulcan, the ancient Roman god of fire and metalworking, identified with the Greek Hephaestus] 1 : of or pertaining to volcanoes 2 : discharged from or produced by volcanoes 3 : suggestive of a volcano: potentially explosive, volatile
volcano n
a mountain or hill having a cuplike crater at the summit, formed around a vent in the earth through which ash and lava are expelled
vulcanian adj
[fr. L Vulcani(us) of Vulcan] 1 : volcanic 2 : of or pertaining to metalworking
vulcanite n
a hard, readily cut and polished rubber used in the manufacture of combs, buttons, and for electrical insulation
vulcanize v
to treat rubber with sulfur while under moderate heat in order to render it nonplastic and give it greater elasticity, strength, etc.: sometimes a large amount of sulfur and high heat are used to make it very hard, as in the case of vulcanite
Wednesday n
[ME Wednesdai, OE Wednesdaeg, mutated var. of Wodnesdaeg Woden's day; cognate of D Woensdag, Dan onsdag; trans. of L Mercurii dies day of Mercury] : the fourth day of the week, following Tuesday
[ME, fr. OE, L vesper evening, Gk Hesperos] n 1 : a cardinal point of the compass adj 2 : directed or proceeding toward the west adv 3 : to, toward, or in the west
[ME wisshe(n), OE wyscan; cognate of G wunschen; akin to OE wynn joy, L venus loveliness; personified by Venus] v 1 : to long, desire n 2 : a distinct mental inclination toward the doing, obtaining, attaining, etc. of something; a desire felt or expressed
wolf n
[ME; OE wulf; cognate of G Wolf, L lupus, Gk lykos; assoc. with Lycaon, who was turned into a wolf] : any of several large, carnivorous mammals of the genus Canis, of the family Canidae, esp. C. lupus, usually hunting in packs
zeal n
[fr. L zel(us), fr. Gk zelos fervor; personified in Greek mythology as Zelos, the god of zeal or emulation; brother of Nike] : fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence
zephyr n
[ME Zephirus west wind (personified), fr. L Zephyrus, god of the west wind, fr. Gk Zephyros, Greek god of the west wind] 1 : a breeze from the west 2 : any of various lightweight fabrics and articles of clothing
zephyr lily n
a bulbous herb, Zephyranthes grandiflora, of tropical America having red or pink flowers nearly three inches long
[fr. L zel(us), fr. Gk zelos fervor; personified in Greek mythology as Zelos, the god of zeal or emulation; brother of Nike] : fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence
zephyr n
[ME Zephirus west wind (personified), fr. L Zephyrus, god of the west wind, fr. Gk Zephyros, Greek god of the west wind] 1 : a breeze from the west 2 : any of various lightweight fabrics and articles of clothing
zephyr lily n
a bulbous herb, Zephyranthes grandiflora, of tropical America having red or pink flowers nearly three inches long
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